quinta-feira, junho 24, 2004

Vida passada

Eu cah sempre achei que na outra encarnacao eu tinha sido uma cabra ... soh podia, com tanta coisa mah a acontecer-me nesta vida ou bem que tinha sido vaca ou cabra!!

Passei pelo Pedro (salvo seja) e encontrei o teste que me ia confirmar o que sempre acreditei ... ou nao, ou nao!

Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Center Russia around the year 1750.
Your profession was that of a entertainer, musician, poet or temple-dancer.

Your brief psychological profile in your past life:You were a sane, practical person, a materialist with no spiritual consciousness. Your simple wisdom helped the weaker and the poor.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your lesson is to conquer jealousy and anger in yourself and then in those who will select you as their guide. You should understand that these weaknesses are caused by fear and self-regret.

Confesso que nao encontrei muitas respostas, mas acho que cabra nao fui ... bom, fui uma temple-dancer!!!

Vou continuar a trabalhar que eh para isso que me pagam nesta vida!!!

Beijos aos molhos e molhos de beijos,
Eu + 1